Warren Kress

Warren Kress, 11-45 to 4-15

Warren I. Kress of Chelsea, MI, age 69, also known as Nearly Normal Warren, passed away on Monday, April 13th, ending his 3-year struggle with cancer. Full Obituary.
  • video tribute
    Warren’s “other son”, Jeremiah Brown, does exceptional graphics work. He designed all of the printed material for the memorial, and put [...]
  • feather in his cap
    “I’m recognized in the area as the man who always wears a feather in his cap.  That often elicits comments from ‘nice feather’ to ‘Is that [...]
  • Memorial Service
    A memorial service for Warren was held on Wednesday evening, April 29th, 2015 at the historic Chelsea Depot. It was an extraordinary event. There were some [...]
  • Big Orange
    Warren loved to write. He often sent random musings to his email list and editorials to the local papers. One of our favorites is his reporting of the Cat [...]

"Do good, my friends, and cast it to the wind."

~ Warren Kress
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First Friday Celebration of Life

Warren and Lucy

What Resonates - Warren Kress

Trinity House